GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

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Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

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Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

gameguardonline 1298 oyun güvenlik sistemi Özellikleri

hi everyone,

gameguard anticheat now with you...

Gameguard properties,

* -trade dupe fixed, you can trade limitless ,

* -stat edit fixed,

* -speed r protection,

* -select character dc hack fixed,

* -merchant bug fixed,

* -namechange bug fixed,

* -pus dupe fixed,

* -there is /save command protection,

* -title and systemetic internal structure scan function

* -memoryhack protection,

* -tbl hack protection,

* -special title protection(chages the client title quarter speed of second. ),

* -special packets protection,

* -fonts regulared.

* -there is special connection client with server,

* -kill switch protection,

* -buffer overflow protection,

* -ally drop hack fixed,

* -restat reskill prices %70 reduced..

* -ardream, ronark land base and bifrost transformation scroll using ignored.

* -count fixed,

* -nation hack and opposite nation's npc killing fixed,

* -ardream and bifrost are smooth.(ardream 30-59)

* -game master's used commands save chatlog.txt,

* -users's used chat logs saves to chatlog.txt,

* - +mopen war activated

* -auto np, grade and symbol update activated in game, all grades, symbols and user rankings update in game automatic.

* -auto monthly np ranking refreshing

* -there is not rollback problem, rollback is smooth.

* -ardream's gate checks stat,skill,job and np ...

* -there is np losing in cz for hard server and making money's important...

* -there are exp losing activated for hard servers also avaible to pvp servers.

*- 50 np lose in cz, in ardream 30 np losing

*- dead announcement and notice in cz , ardream , bf.

* -hidetoolz ignored

* -anticheat automatically deletes suspected cheat programs

* -dll embedded in exe

* -all server attack programs useless..

* -client exe is smooth, there is not any virus so antivirus programs can't see it as virus...

* -client needs dot net framework for running

* -if players try changing tables, client gives error and closes the client...

* -you can not enter the game with other clients...

* -this anticheat support 32bit/64bit windows xp,32bit/64bit windows vista,32bit/64bit windows7.

This anticheat includes server files, client side patch , İn server files you can find maps evts , logs vs everything included also it is written what you will write server.ini ' s you will just select your db make the odbc settings then you can play ,it is so easy to setup..

Includes 59,70,74,80 and 83 level ebenezers,it is a really powerfull anticheat you can test by yourself you will see the results,it is developed and tested in a long time period now this anticheat will be free for a long time..

not : Depositfiles***hidden content cannot be quoted.***

download >>>>>(gameguard server and client pack)

***hidden content cannot be quoted.***

firewall for gameguard specially configured for attacks,lags and hacks for server side...

download >>>>>(gameguard firewall ,for server side.. )

***hidden content cannot be quoted.***




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Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

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Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

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Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

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Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

Cevap: GAMEGUARDONLINE 1299 AntiCheat Security System with Most up to date 1299 server files.

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