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18XX Ourko Server Files ve Database | Sorunsuz Upgrade | Eventler Aktif |


Oncelikle belirtmek isterim dosyalar akuma dosyalarıdır onun dosyaların uzerınden devam ettim ve emek harcadıgım database ve fileslerdir. MoseLey Abime Burdan Tessekürlerimi ve Direnish = Halil ACS Konusundan Tessekürlerimi İletiyorum.

Not : Database SQL 2012 Uyumludur.

Genel Bilgi

-Database HOMEKO Turudur

-Colony Zone Arkadasın Krowaz,Ash Knight,DTS Canavaları Vardır.Bunların Dropları Raptor vb , Kanat vb, Valkry vb , Krowaz Kırdırma İtemleri gibi itemler çıkmaktadır.

-Baslangic İtemleri : HER Job +8 Chitin Set ve OLD Takıları Mevcuttur. Ustunde 1 Adet 5 Gunluk Kanat ve Valkry Mevcuttur.

About Database

-Upgrade Is Smooth.The latest Item is +8. +7 and +8 Push Reb is printed with REB Paper.

-Fix deleting SC when DB is discarded

-[*IMPORTANT]Problems such as Debug Assertetion Failed and 48 User DC Have Definitely Been Fixed. [100% No Problem]

-The database is easily set up to be enjoyed in Homeko style and PK can be fully enjoyed[/SIZE

About Event

-The Border Defance War Zone is complete. - It opens automatically at 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00. [Ebenezer Den Adjustable]

-The chaos zone is complete. - It turns on automatically at 13:00, 15:00, 17:00. There are certain problems.

-The battle is completely smooth

-Bifrost Event Colony Zone When the time comes, the BF stone can be cut and entered.

Membership and Panel:

-[IMPORTANT] Membership is not AUTO and membership is taken from the panel.[ I'll Share Panel]

-HashPassword system. [Katana = Oguz Tessekürler]

-Membership login from the panel is smooth.

[Hidden content]