Q (Basili Tutarsaniz Çok Hizli Bi Şekilde Hareket Edersiniz
/clean Açik Hava.
/raining 0 ~ 100 Arasinda Bir Sayi Belirleyin Yağmur Yağdidir...
/snowing 0 ~ 100 Arasinda Bir Sayi Belirleyin Kar Yağdidir...
/notice Herkezin Gorebilecegi Sekilde Duyuru Yapar
/arrest Bilinmiyor...
/ForbidChat Kullanicinin Konuşmasini Engeller
/PermitChat Kullanicinin Konuşmasini Sağlar
/goto Sizi Belirlediginiz Koordinata Işinlar...
/forbidConnect Kullaniyi Banlar..
/count Oyunda Kaç Kişi Oldugunu Gösterir.
/summonuser Kullaniciyi Yanina Çeker
/money_add 25 %25 Para Eveti Başlatir
/exp_add 20 %20 Exp Eventi Başlatir..
+zonechange İstediginiz Zoneye Gidebilirsiniz Bu Kodla
Harita Kodu - Harita Adi
1 Luferson Castle
2 El Morad Castle
11 Orc Eslant
12 Human Eslant
21 Moradon
30 Delos
31 Bi-Frost
32 Abyss
33 Hell Abyss
34 Felankor’s Lair
48 Battle Arena
62 War Zone
63 War Zone
64 War Zone
55 Forgotten Temple
71 Colony Zone
72 Dark C.Z.
/clear (0-100 arasi değer yazin) (ideali 50) (Açik hava)
/rain (0-100 arasi değer yazin) (ideali 50) (Yağmurlu hava)
/snow (0-100 arasi değer yazin) (ideali 50) (Karli hava)
/goto xxx,xxx ( xxx,xxx koordinatina işinlanirsiniz)
/count (serverdaki online player sayisini gösterir)
/notice ne yazmak istiyorsan yaz (Notice yazarsiniz)
/time (0-24) (Oyun saatini ayarlarsiniz mesela 24 yapinca gece olur)
Q harfine basili tutup koşarsaniz çok hizli koşarsiniz
/ban yada /forbid_connect nick (kimi banlamak istiyorsaniz onun nickini yazin)
/mute yada /forbid_chat nick (kimi mutelemek istiyorsaniz onun nickini yazin)
/unmute yada /allow_chat nick (kimin mutesini açmak istiyorsaniz onun nickini yazin)
/Arrest nick adamin yanina işinlanmak için Bir gün gm olursaniz belki işe yarar
Bir Çok Kişinin Merak Ettiği Boss Düşürme İşine Geçelim..
+unikmonster Rastgele Bir Boss Yaratir..
+moncatch Oyundaki Boss'u,Npc,Monster i Yanina Çeker
+monsummon Boss Yaratir
+monkill Denemedim....
+monsummonall Her Yeri O Boss İle Doldurur
Tabi Bu Kodlarin Sonuna Monsterin İD sini Eklememiz Lazim Onlarda Bende Mevcut
Talos 2455
Snake Queen 2055
Harpy Queen 2255
Troll King 1775
Dragon Tooth 1107
Shaula 907
Attila 1450
Samma 1356
Duke 1205
Bach 1257
Bakkirra 608
Lobo 556
Lesath 908
Javana 1355
Lupus 507
Lycaon 558
Kekurikekukaka 161
Antares 906
Bone Collector 1106
Bishop 1256
Orc Bandit Leader 2817
Deruvish Founder 2105
Dreadmare 3054
Atross 1402
Riote 1311
Blood Don 613
Barrk 657
ORC Bandit Officer 2813 2705
ORC Bandit Officer 2814
ORC Bandit Officer 2815
Paramun 2124
Hyde 1005
Isiloon 5501
Isiloon Servant 5502
Volcanic rock 3891
Messenger of God 5201
Ultima 6501
Felankor 7035
Rabbit 3201
Guard Tower 6701
Christmas Tree 4001
Snowman 2705
DTS 1164
Bone Collector 1106
Ash Knights 1163
Watcher 511
Harpy 2221
Raven 2222
Golem 2401
Etaroth (small) 4101
Apostle of Piercing Cold 8005
Apostle of Flames 8006
Evil Wizard 8009
Goblin Necromancer 2906
Saber tooth 653
Machirodus 654
Meganthereon 655
Stone golem 2401
Dark Mare 3001
7 Sins
Ego 5801
Glutton 5901
Wrath 6001
Sloth 6101
Lust 6201
Envy 6301
Greed 6401
[Transparency] : Type /%s Number (a number in between 0~255
[Invisible] : /%s
[Clearness in Weather] : Type /%s Percent
[Rain] : Type /%s percent
[Snow] : Type /%s percent
[Set Time] : /%s Hour Minute
[Check for Concurrent User Number] : /%s
[In-Game Notice] : /%s Notice Messages
[Trace User] : /%s ID
[Ban a user from game] : Type /%s ID
[Block User"s Chatting Ability] : Type /%s ID
[Allow User to Chat] : /%s ID
[Show GM] : /%s
[Hide GM] : /%s
[Block User Account] : /%s User ID
[Summon User] : /%s User ID
[Block User Attack] : /%s User ID
[Unblock User Attack] : /%s User ID
+monkill monsterid
you can get Monster ID above the monsters name
+moncatch monsterid
Tp's monster to you
+monpursue monsterid
tp to a monster
there is +monsummon and +monsummonall and i've got no clue how those work
+open, +open2,+open3, Opens wars
Opens DarkLunar War
+exp_add number
Starts XP Event
+money_add number
Starts noah event
+zonechange zone
TPs you to a zone
Rest of the commands:
+monpursue 14180 şavaş yeri
+moncatch 13469 manticore
+moncatch 14480 : CW
Death Mare
+moncatch 13216 Riote
+moncatch 13179 Atross
+moncatch 13218 : blood don
+moncatch 14475 darkstone
+moncatch 12269 Falcon
+moncatch 12305 Lamentation
+moncatch 12235 TB
+moncatch 11782 centaur
+moncatch 13287 uruk tron
+moncatch 12187 obl
+moncatch 12886 Shula
+moncatch 12365 bach
+moncatch 11970 Bishob
+moncatch 13624 Lesath
+moncatch 12363 Barrkk
+moncatch 12364 bakirra
+moncatch 12768 Lobo
+moncatch 12182 lycoun
+moncatch 12767 Lupus
+moncatch 12183 bone collecter
+moncatch 12888 orc bandit officer archer
+moncatch 12889 Orc bandit offlicer Mage
+moncatch 12890 orc bandit officer blade
+moncatch 12364 Bach
+moncatch 12363 bakirra
+moncatch 12362 Barrkk
+moncatch 12767 lobo
+moncatch 12183 Javana
+moncatch 12181 Lycaon
+moncatch 12182 Bone collec
+moncatch 11969 bishop
+moncatch 13623 Lesath
+moncatch 14048 Duke
+moncatch 14441 Orc Sniper
+moncatch 12217 Dark Stone
+moncatch 14814 DARm mare
+moncatch 11971 Giant Golem
+moncatch 12172 Troll King
+moncatch 12278 DEATH MARE
+moncatch 14823 HQ
+moncatch 14826 DF
+moncatch 14835 Talos
+moncatch 14836 Dragon tooth
+moncatch 14824 Shaula
+moncatch 14825 Samma
+moncatch 14751 harpy
+moncatch 14834 SQ
+moncatch 12363 barrkirra
+moncatch 12885 2. shaula
+moncatch 13685 Kekurikukaraka
379068000 [GOLD BAR]
700002000 [TİRNA]+
310110205 [brONZE EARNİNİG]+
310610215 [SİLVER EARNİNİG]+
310510235 [CRİSTAL+
310410245 [PLATIUM+
310610255 ELF+
310610275 W+
310510295 OPAL+
320110305 WARIOR PENTAD+
320110316 ELEMENTAL+
320110325 PİREST+
320510335 AMULET OF CURSE+
320510355 AMULET DEX+
320510384 AMULET HEALT+
320610435 BLUE NECKLA+
320310395 ELEMANTAL +
910158138 MAGE PENDAT+
320610345 AMULET OF STR+
320310415 IRON NECKLA+
330110305 ROC+
330150315 ROM+
330150325 ROF+
330110335 OPAL RİNG+
330610345 AGATA RİNG+
330410365 DİAMOND RİNG+
330610385 GOLD RİNG+
340110305 KEKURY BELT+
340610365 CRSİTAL+
340410395 GLASS BELT+
340510405 BELT OF STR+
340410455 SKELOTON BETL+
330310475 KEKURY RİNG+
119101210 DARK VANE
179101300 DOL
130450280 GİGA
160450290 CHİTİN BOW
110810000 - Sword breaker
110910000 - Kukry
111010000 - Cleaver
111110000 - Mirage Dagger
111210000 - Shard
120110000 - Short Blade
120310000 - Long Sword
120510000 - Scimitar
120710000 - Flame Sword
120810000 - Rapier
120910000 - Gradius
121010000 - Crescent
121110000 - Blade
121210000 - Slayer
121310000 - Graham
125210000 - Combined Blade
125310000 - Two-Handed Sword
125610000 - Battle Sword
125810000 - Great Sword
125910000 - Claymore
126010000 - Flamberge
126110000 - Double Blade
126210000 - Destroyer
126310000 - Durandal
126410000 - Mirage
130210000 - Hand Axe
130410000 - Double Axe
130610000 - Bipennis
130710000 - Military Pick
130810000 - Cleaver Axe
130910000 - Wrist Cutter
131010000 - Tomahawk
131110000 - Deep Scar
135310000 - Battle Axe
135510000 - Timber Axe
135710000 - Twin Axe
135810000 - Great Axe
135910000 - Broad Axe
136010000 - Bone Axe
136110000 - Bone Cleaver
136210000 - Blade Axe
140210000 - Maul
140410000 - Mace
140610000 - War Hammer
140710000 - Breaker
140810000 - Hacker
140910000 - *****er
141010000 - Bone Crasher
141110000 - Impact
142110000 - monster weapon
145310000 - Great Maul
145510000 - Battle Mace
145710000 - Great Mace
145810000 - Weight Hammer
145910000 - Large Breaker
146010000 - Large Hacker
146110000 - Totamic Club
146210000 - Iron Impact
150210000 - Spear
150410000 - Cross Spear
150610000 - Spetum
150710000 - Long Spear
150810000 - Pike
150910000 - Trident
151010000 - Philum
151110000 - Harpoon
151210000 - Totamic Spear
155310000 - Pole Axe
155510000 - Battle Scythe
155710000 - Grim Scythe
155810000 - Bill
155910000 - Halberd
156010000 - Bardish
156110000 - Glave
156210000 - Raptor
160100000 - Bow
160210000 - Short Bow
/clean Açik Hava.
/raining 0 ~ 100 Arasinda Bir Sayi Belirleyin Yağmur Yağdidir...
/snowing 0 ~ 100 Arasinda Bir Sayi Belirleyin Kar Yağdidir...
/notice Herkezin Gorebilecegi Sekilde Duyuru Yapar
/arrest Bilinmiyor...
/ForbidChat Kullanicinin Konuşmasini Engeller
/PermitChat Kullanicinin Konuşmasini Sağlar
/goto Sizi Belirlediginiz Koordinata Işinlar...
/forbidConnect Kullaniyi Banlar..
/count Oyunda Kaç Kişi Oldugunu Gösterir.
/summonuser Kullaniciyi Yanina Çeker
/money_add 25 %25 Para Eveti Başlatir
/exp_add 20 %20 Exp Eventi Başlatir..
+zonechange İstediginiz Zoneye Gidebilirsiniz Bu Kodla
Harita Kodu - Harita Adi
1 Luferson Castle
2 El Morad Castle
11 Orc Eslant
12 Human Eslant
21 Moradon
30 Delos
31 Bi-Frost
32 Abyss
33 Hell Abyss
34 Felankor’s Lair
48 Battle Arena
62 War Zone
63 War Zone
64 War Zone
55 Forgotten Temple
71 Colony Zone
72 Dark C.Z.
/clear (0-100 arasi değer yazin) (ideali 50) (Açik hava)
/rain (0-100 arasi değer yazin) (ideali 50) (Yağmurlu hava)
/snow (0-100 arasi değer yazin) (ideali 50) (Karli hava)
/goto xxx,xxx ( xxx,xxx koordinatina işinlanirsiniz)
/count (serverdaki online player sayisini gösterir)
/notice ne yazmak istiyorsan yaz (Notice yazarsiniz)
/time (0-24) (Oyun saatini ayarlarsiniz mesela 24 yapinca gece olur)
Q harfine basili tutup koşarsaniz çok hizli koşarsiniz
/ban yada /forbid_connect nick (kimi banlamak istiyorsaniz onun nickini yazin)
/mute yada /forbid_chat nick (kimi mutelemek istiyorsaniz onun nickini yazin)
/unmute yada /allow_chat nick (kimin mutesini açmak istiyorsaniz onun nickini yazin)
/Arrest nick adamin yanina işinlanmak için Bir gün gm olursaniz belki işe yarar
Bir Çok Kişinin Merak Ettiği Boss Düşürme İşine Geçelim..
+unikmonster Rastgele Bir Boss Yaratir..
+moncatch Oyundaki Boss'u,Npc,Monster i Yanina Çeker
+monsummon Boss Yaratir
+monkill Denemedim....
+monsummonall Her Yeri O Boss İle Doldurur
Tabi Bu Kodlarin Sonuna Monsterin İD sini Eklememiz Lazim Onlarda Bende Mevcut
Talos 2455
Snake Queen 2055
Harpy Queen 2255
Troll King 1775
Dragon Tooth 1107
Shaula 907
Attila 1450
Samma 1356
Duke 1205
Bach 1257
Bakkirra 608
Lobo 556
Lesath 908
Javana 1355
Lupus 507
Lycaon 558
Kekurikekukaka 161
Antares 906
Bone Collector 1106
Bishop 1256
Orc Bandit Leader 2817
Deruvish Founder 2105
Dreadmare 3054
Atross 1402
Riote 1311
Blood Don 613
Barrk 657
ORC Bandit Officer 2813 2705
ORC Bandit Officer 2814
ORC Bandit Officer 2815
Paramun 2124
Hyde 1005
Isiloon 5501
Isiloon Servant 5502
Volcanic rock 3891
Messenger of God 5201
Ultima 6501
Felankor 7035
Rabbit 3201
Guard Tower 6701
Christmas Tree 4001
Snowman 2705
DTS 1164
Bone Collector 1106
Ash Knights 1163
Watcher 511
Harpy 2221
Raven 2222
Golem 2401
Etaroth (small) 4101
Apostle of Piercing Cold 8005
Apostle of Flames 8006
Evil Wizard 8009
Goblin Necromancer 2906
Saber tooth 653
Machirodus 654
Meganthereon 655
Stone golem 2401
Dark Mare 3001
7 Sins
Ego 5801
Glutton 5901
Wrath 6001
Sloth 6101
Lust 6201
Envy 6301
Greed 6401
[Transparency] : Type /%s Number (a number in between 0~255
[Invisible] : /%s
[Clearness in Weather] : Type /%s Percent
[Rain] : Type /%s percent
[Snow] : Type /%s percent
[Set Time] : /%s Hour Minute
[Check for Concurrent User Number] : /%s
[In-Game Notice] : /%s Notice Messages
[Trace User] : /%s ID
[Ban a user from game] : Type /%s ID
[Block User"s Chatting Ability] : Type /%s ID
[Allow User to Chat] : /%s ID
[Show GM] : /%s
[Hide GM] : /%s
[Block User Account] : /%s User ID
[Summon User] : /%s User ID
[Block User Attack] : /%s User ID
[Unblock User Attack] : /%s User ID
+monkill monsterid
you can get Monster ID above the monsters name
+moncatch monsterid
Tp's monster to you
+monpursue monsterid
tp to a monster
there is +monsummon and +monsummonall and i've got no clue how those work
+open, +open2,+open3, Opens wars
Opens DarkLunar War
+exp_add number
Starts XP Event
+money_add number
Starts noah event
+zonechange zone
TPs you to a zone
Rest of the commands:
+monpursue 14180 şavaş yeri
+moncatch 13469 manticore
+moncatch 14480 : CW
Death Mare
+moncatch 13216 Riote
+moncatch 13179 Atross
+moncatch 13218 : blood don
+moncatch 14475 darkstone
+moncatch 12269 Falcon
+moncatch 12305 Lamentation
+moncatch 12235 TB
+moncatch 11782 centaur
+moncatch 13287 uruk tron
+moncatch 12187 obl
+moncatch 12886 Shula
+moncatch 12365 bach
+moncatch 11970 Bishob
+moncatch 13624 Lesath
+moncatch 12363 Barrkk
+moncatch 12364 bakirra
+moncatch 12768 Lobo
+moncatch 12182 lycoun
+moncatch 12767 Lupus
+moncatch 12183 bone collecter
+moncatch 12888 orc bandit officer archer
+moncatch 12889 Orc bandit offlicer Mage
+moncatch 12890 orc bandit officer blade
+moncatch 12364 Bach
+moncatch 12363 bakirra
+moncatch 12362 Barrkk
+moncatch 12767 lobo
+moncatch 12183 Javana
+moncatch 12181 Lycaon
+moncatch 12182 Bone collec
+moncatch 11969 bishop
+moncatch 13623 Lesath
+moncatch 14048 Duke
+moncatch 14441 Orc Sniper
+moncatch 12217 Dark Stone
+moncatch 14814 DARm mare
+moncatch 11971 Giant Golem
+moncatch 12172 Troll King
+moncatch 12278 DEATH MARE
+moncatch 14823 HQ
+moncatch 14826 DF
+moncatch 14835 Talos
+moncatch 14836 Dragon tooth
+moncatch 14824 Shaula
+moncatch 14825 Samma
+moncatch 14751 harpy
+moncatch 14834 SQ
+moncatch 12363 barrkirra
+moncatch 12885 2. shaula
+moncatch 13685 Kekurikukaraka
379068000 [GOLD BAR]
700002000 [TİRNA]+
310110205 [brONZE EARNİNİG]+
310610215 [SİLVER EARNİNİG]+
310510235 [CRİSTAL+
310410245 [PLATIUM+
310610255 ELF+
310610275 W+
310510295 OPAL+
320110305 WARIOR PENTAD+
320110316 ELEMENTAL+
320110325 PİREST+
320510335 AMULET OF CURSE+
320510355 AMULET DEX+
320510384 AMULET HEALT+
320610435 BLUE NECKLA+
320310395 ELEMANTAL +
910158138 MAGE PENDAT+
320610345 AMULET OF STR+
320310415 IRON NECKLA+
330110305 ROC+
330150315 ROM+
330150325 ROF+
330110335 OPAL RİNG+
330610345 AGATA RİNG+
330410365 DİAMOND RİNG+
330610385 GOLD RİNG+
340110305 KEKURY BELT+
340610365 CRSİTAL+
340410395 GLASS BELT+
340510405 BELT OF STR+
340410455 SKELOTON BETL+
330310475 KEKURY RİNG+
119101210 DARK VANE
179101300 DOL
130450280 GİGA
160450290 CHİTİN BOW
110810000 - Sword breaker
110910000 - Kukry
111010000 - Cleaver
111110000 - Mirage Dagger
111210000 - Shard
120110000 - Short Blade
120310000 - Long Sword
120510000 - Scimitar
120710000 - Flame Sword
120810000 - Rapier
120910000 - Gradius
121010000 - Crescent
121110000 - Blade
121210000 - Slayer
121310000 - Graham
125210000 - Combined Blade
125310000 - Two-Handed Sword
125610000 - Battle Sword
125810000 - Great Sword
125910000 - Claymore
126010000 - Flamberge
126110000 - Double Blade
126210000 - Destroyer
126310000 - Durandal
126410000 - Mirage
130210000 - Hand Axe
130410000 - Double Axe
130610000 - Bipennis
130710000 - Military Pick
130810000 - Cleaver Axe
130910000 - Wrist Cutter
131010000 - Tomahawk
131110000 - Deep Scar
135310000 - Battle Axe
135510000 - Timber Axe
135710000 - Twin Axe
135810000 - Great Axe
135910000 - Broad Axe
136010000 - Bone Axe
136110000 - Bone Cleaver
136210000 - Blade Axe
140210000 - Maul
140410000 - Mace
140610000 - War Hammer
140710000 - Breaker
140810000 - Hacker
140910000 - *****er
141010000 - Bone Crasher
141110000 - Impact
142110000 - monster weapon
145310000 - Great Maul
145510000 - Battle Mace
145710000 - Great Mace
145810000 - Weight Hammer
145910000 - Large Breaker
146010000 - Large Hacker
146110000 - Totamic Club
146210000 - Iron Impact
150210000 - Spear
150410000 - Cross Spear
150610000 - Spetum
150710000 - Long Spear
150810000 - Pike
150910000 - Trident
151010000 - Philum
151110000 - Harpoon
151210000 - Totamic Spear
155310000 - Pole Axe
155510000 - Battle Scythe
155710000 - Grim Scythe
155810000 - Bill
155910000 - Halberd
156010000 - Bardish
156110000 - Glave
156210000 - Raptor
160100000 - Bow
160210000 - Short Bow